
Experience a sense of peace and calm with our Howlite Palm Stone. Made from natural Howlite, this palm-sized stone is perfect for meditation and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Crafted from genuine materials, each stone is unique in its appearance and properties. Discover the...

9 In stock


Discover the power of crystal grids with our variety of crystal grids . This specially designed grid enhances the energy of individual crystals, amplifying their effects and bringing balance and harmony to your space. Use with confidence, backed by the knowledge of crystal experts.

2 In stock


Almost every traditional medical system and indigenous culture has used teas and herbs as plant medicine. What physical, mental, or energetic challenges are you looking for herbal support for?  How does a consult work? You will complete the questionnaire below demonstrating your requirements and the...

100 In stock


Have you always wanted to work with crystals but didn't know how to start ? Is something ailing you mentally or physically and you would like some extra support? Are you looking to help a loved one with an alternative therapy? A crystal consult will...

100 In stock
